Boycott U.S. Products list. Stop the bloodbath.

Electronics, computers: Motorola, AMD, Intel, Macintosh, Microsoft,
Oracle, Sun Microsystems, General Electric
Food & Drinks: Sunmaid, Chiquita, DelMonte, Cocacola Co., Pepsico, Mars Co.(Snickers etc.), Rainbow-products, Kellogg’s, Paul Masson, Ernst&Julio Gallo wines, Southern Comfort, Jack Daniels, Budweiser
Restaurants: Pizza Hut, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell,
Burger King
Clothes: Nike, Gant, Calvin Klein, Donna Karan, Levi Strauss, DuPont
(e.g. lycra, Gore-Tex)
Hobbies, culture, entertainment: Academic Press, almost any record label and movie company, thx -sound systems in movies, Disney, Kodak, Philip Morris,
Playboy, Hustler, Penthouse, Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Herald
Tribune, USA Today, National Geographic, Interview
Cars, aeroplanes & fuel: Chrysler, Ford, Exxon, Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas
Cosmetics: Procter&Gamble, Redken, Sebastian, Revlon, Maybelline,
Blistex, Matrix, Freeman, Advanced Research Laboratories, Joe Blasco, Max Factor, Clinique, Estee Lauder
Guns: Smith&Wesson, Colt, Remington, Winchester
Boycott Greek products:

Let's see - Olives, er, um, Olives, ah, Olives,

Hey Jack Dee - what do they make in Greece? (Besides Olives!)
Just reported on CNN:

In a bad deal turned good, Turkey has given the US overflight rights to pass through Turkish air space on their way to Iraq.
The deal supposedly gives Turkey exclusive rights to make Greece a suburb of Turkey.
Al Gore was heard to say "You get Greece when you cook the Turkey".

Fox News has confirmed the deal.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
They make cheese, I think.
And they have a lot of goats, goats are very popular in Greece.

Each time I read your posts I hope for an actual bebuttal, or at least a shread of intelligence, yet each time I'm equally disappointed with your pointless ranting about "we're the best .. yeaaaaay".

As a follow American, I ask you to stop posting such nonsense, you're making our country look stupid. For the respect of Americans that actually finished University & have achieved full literacy - please stop!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have no rebuttal for Jack - go ahead and boycott, your right to do so. I'm not signing up except for Mickey D's, I don't like their food anyway except for the sausage Mcmuffin with egg, which I can easily duplicate at home with a greasy sausage, one egg, cheese Whiz and an English muffin. However, if you truly tried hard, I doubt you'd be able to list all of the American products. One you missed: 'common sense'.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Go live in Iraq if you dont like what you're country is doing for you! You forget the reason for freedom of speech is because of past wars. Spend you're time backing your country instead of fighting it or else move!

Addicted to gambling and loving it

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm totally for the U.S. product boycott. They are pouring coca cola down the drain and boycotting U.S. products in Spain one of the U.S. supposed allies.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Is that regular or diet Coke? I only drink the diet, don't really like the taste of regular Coke. Also, it's possible their drains are clogged up and if they've also boycotted Draino then Coke is a good alternative to eat away at those nasty clogs.
no, nothing greece has produced nothing at all, it's just that the whole western civilization is based on Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, etc, on the basis of rationality, freedom, and justice that is. And it's just that 90% of medical terms are derived directly from greek, as well as the vast majority of terms in physics, and mathematical syllogism is based on greek (and babylonion, but more greek) thought. That's just about that, but why the fvck am i telling you all that, you seem to be a geniune moron who like lander rigthly pointed out is giving americans a bad name.

So, if i were to get into a piss war with you i d tell you that a culture that came up with coca cola cant exactly be considered comparable with the nation that came up with democracy, philosophy, medicine and natural science, but i wont get into that.

I ll be boycotting because i dont like bullies, and bypassing the u.n. and spreading death for the sake of oil, other than that there are many americans and things i american i like and admire, as with almost all cultures of the globe, dickheads are not one.
Lander, You're an idiot if you don't recognize jest!
I do recognize others beliefs - but I've decided in a few vitriolic cases to answer diatribe with diatribe.
By the way, where did you see me state "we're the best"? I think you're the one doing the poitless ranting.
Do yourself a favor - shut up - don't make yourself look as naive as you abviously are.

i wouldn't throw stones....
i guess your disdain for america transcends into the use of our language -- because you butcher it!

you speak/write at the about a ninth grade level: you consistenly misuse the form of the verb be; and consistently write in both fragmented and run-on sentences. furthermore, it would behoove you to use spell check, for you cannot spell, period. and let's not even go into you use of punctuation -- it is embarrassing.

perhaps, you should go back to whatever university you graduated from and punch your english professor in the face. oh wait, that would be violent. go back and politely ask for your money back.

in the meantime, please refrain from posting -- you only embarrass the counrty and yourself.


first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The easiest and most enjoyable American product I find to boycott is Americans themselves.
Jack (or is it Jaques), according to my wife, Socrates was from Sicily, and Western Civilization is founded on Latin roots - which was founded on Etruscan, Egyptian, Rhodes (Cyprus), Greek and Macedonian roots - not just Greek alone - as you want us to think.
Go eat an olive find a goat.

The Great Dane
Nov 20, 2001

"you only embarrass the counrty and yourself."

I guess you're the one who shouldn't throw stones...
bblight your wife must be good at some other things but please don't ask her advice on any historical events anymore !

You make yourself and your better half look very stupid around here !


J-Man is just another phucking rat that they'll find face down ass up one of these days

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Does anybody get the feeling that the liberal arguments and replys are their version of scud

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